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The adjoining table specifies the acronyms, symbols and abbreviations used in the thesis, as well as several others that may be useful for the next developments. Please note that not all the signs correspond exactly to those we used previously. While striving to keep maximum consistency, we improved what seemed less clear including complementary symbology, some already used in texts related to these themes. We've tried our best to make it correspond to a regular Portuguese keyboard. Similarly to other tables, we will add new entries whenever needed.
- | no data / redundant data |
- | heraldic disposition (2-1-2) |
- | subtracted from |
_ | no character |
_ | morpheme |
\ | meteorological specification |
/ | of (1/3) |
/ | or |
/ | end of a manuscript line |
// | end of a manuscript page |
# | quantitative specification |
% | per cent |
n(omi)ne | abbreviation of manuscript letters |
[M] | manuscript initial |
[… …] | interruption |
[s.l.] | sine loco |
[s.n.] | sine nomine |
~ | is parophone to |
^ | architectural specification |
* | specification of notoriety |
+ | concatenated with |
+ | added to |
< | less than |
< > | electronic address delimiters |
≤ | less or equal than |
= | arms of transmission |
= | equal to |
> | phonetic evolution |
> | greater than |
>< | different |
≥ | greater or equal than |
× | versus / compared to |
× | multiplied by |
÷ | divided by |
↑ | up |
→ | see partial results |
→ | right |
⇒ | implies |
↓ | down |
↓ | sequence of events |
⇓ | since (period) |
← | see partial results |
← | left |
§ | specification of signage |
… | etc. |
Σ | summation |
1D | unidimensional |
2D | two-dimensional |
3D | three-dimensional |
A | accommodation |
A | alteration |
Aª | anomaly |
a.C. | before Christ |
A.D.B. | Arquivo Distrital de Braga |
Abr. | April |
abrª | abbreviation |
Add | Liber Additamentorum |
adj. | adjective |
Ago. | August |
alb. | Albanese |
ALE | Germany |
ale. | German |
ano. | Anglo-Norman |
ANT | anthroponymic metonymization |
ara. | Aragonese |
arv. | tree |
ast. | Asturian |
ATI | heraldic trace of attitude |
B | botanical specification |
Bal | Balliol Roll |
bas. | Basque |
BEL | Belgium |
bie. | Belarussian |
Big | Rôle d'Arms Bigot |
bos. | Bosnian |
bre. | Breton |
bul. | Bulgarian |
bxa. | Lower-German |
c | coeficient of character |
C | specification of coloration |
C | complement |
Cae | Caerlaverock's Roll |
Cam | Rôle de Tournoi de Cambrai |
CAP | capital metonymization |
cap. | chapter |
cas. | Castilian |
cat. | Catalan |
caz. | Kazakh |
Cdn | Camden Roll |
Cha | Charles' Roll |
Ce | City / Municipality |
che. | Czech |
Cho | Rôle de Tournoi de Chauvency |
Cº | County |
cód. | codex |
Col | Collins' Roll |
Com | Rôle de Tournoi de Compiègne |
CR | Carolingian script |
cro. | Croatian |
d | designant |
D | denominant |
D | word composition |
D. | Dom / Dona |
Der | Dering Roll |
Dez. | December |
din. | Danish |
DIS | heraldic trace of disposition |
Dº | Duchy |
doc. | document |
docs. | documents |
E | specification |
e.g. | exempli gratia |
ed. | edition / editor |
ESAD | Escola Superior de Artes e Design |
ESM | heraldic trace of tincture |
est. | picture |
et al. | et alii |
etc. | et coetera |
ETN | ethnonymic metonymization |
Fev. | February |
f. | folium |
Fª | attributed arms |
Fal | Falkirk's Roll |
fasc. | fascicle |
FEUP | Faculdade de Engenharia da UP |
FIG | heraldic trace of figuration |
fig. | figura |
fin. | Finnish |
fls. | folia |
FLUP | Faculdade de Letras da UP |
FRA | France |
fra. | French |
G | geometrical specification |
gae. | Scottish Gaelic |
Gal | Galloway Roll |
gav. | drawer |
Gel | Codex Gelre |
GEO | geographical metonymization |
Geo | St. George's Roll |
glg. | Galician |
Glo | Glover's Roll |
gls. | Welsh |
Gº | Grand Duchy |
gre. | Greek |
GT | Gothic script |
H | heraldic trace |
H | human specification |
Her | Herald's Roll |
HID | hydronymic metonymization |
hol. | Dutch |
hun. | Hungarian |
I | interaction |
ing. | English |
Iº | Empire |
IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet |
irl. | Irish Gaelic |
isl. | Icelandic |
ita. | Italian |
j | nº of parophonic transformations |
Jan. | January |
Js | Book of Joshua |
Jul. | July |
Jun. | June |
Jº | jurisdiction |
Jz | Book of Judges |
Kº | Canton |
k | discretion index |
Lª | line |
lat. | Latin |
LD | Denominant's language |
Ld | Designant's language |
Leb | Armorial Le Breton |
leo. | Leonese |
let. | Latvian |
lig. | Ligurian |
lit. | literally |
liv. | book |
ltn. | Lithuanian |
Lº | Landgraviate |
LOC | heraldic trace of placement |
lux. | Luxembourgish |
M | referent's metonymization |
M | material specification |
m. | bundle |
Mai. | May |
Man | Codex Manesse |
Mar | Lord Marshall's Roll |
Mar. | March |
max(a,b) | maximum value of (a, b) |
MD | diplomatic minuscule script |
mns. | Manese |
Mº | Monastery |
Mº | Margraviate |
ms. | manuscript / manuscripts |
Mt | Gospel of Matthew |
n | quantity / number |
N / n | no |
nD | nº of denominant's characters |
nd | nº of designant's characters |
n1 | footnote 1 |
nº | number |
nor. | Norwegian |
Nov. | November |
nrm. | Norman |
NUM | heraldic trace of number |
º | astronomical specification |
Ø | none / empty set |
oci. | Occitan |
Ofl | Rôle d'Armes de l'Ost de Flandre |
Om | Military Order |
ORI | heraldic trace of orientation |
Out. | October |
p | coefficient of positioning |
p. / Pª | page |
PAD | heraldic trace of pattern |
p1 | type of simple plane symmetry |
Plo | Rôle d'Armes de l'Ost de Ploërmel |
Pº | Principality |
pol. | Polish |
pp. | pages |
R | referent |
r. | recto |
Rª | Republic |
RC | classical rodado |
RES | residential metonymization |
REU | United Kingdom |
RF | fanciful rodado |
rmc. | Romansh |
Rº | Kingdom |
rom. | Romanian |
Rt | Toponymical reference |
rus. | Russian |
S | specification of substantive |
S | sematization |
S / s | yes |
S. | Saint |
SC | wax seal |
séc. | century |
SEP | heraldic trace of separation |
ser. | Serbian |
Set. | September |
Sº | Lordship |
Sl | Book of Psalms |
SN | sign without a rodado |
sor. | Sorbian |
SP | lead seal |
ss. | following |
Sti | Stirling Roll |
sue. | Swedish |
t | coefficient of transposition |
T | toponymical specification |
T | transmigration |
T.T. | Torre do Tombo |
TER | territorial metonymization |
ucr. | Ucranian |
UP | Universidade do Porto |
V | verbal specification / action |
V | verbalization |
v. | verso |
var. | variety |
Ver | Armorial du Heraut Vermandois |
Vº | Viscounty |
vol. | volume |
VS | visigothic script |
VT | carolingian-visigothic script |
Wal | Walford's Roll |
Wij | Wijnbergen Wappenrolle |
Z | zoological specification |
Zur | Zürcher Wappenrolle |
Although an errata sheet already exists, appended to the original brochure, it can't be seen in the text scanned by FEUP's Library. We took advantage of this opportunity to introduce some additional corrections into a freshly updated errata, ready now to be published. In any case the reference text must always be the one found at FEUP. After the first amendments the number of pages changed and some entries including the pagination went wrong but most of them seem to be acknowledged. The changes we deemed more relevant are set in boldface at the page number cells.
22 | 8 | resultados parciais ___ 52 | resultados parciais ___ 53 |
22 | 7 | Abril ___ 172 | Abril ___ 173 |
22 | 10 | resultados parciais ___ 130 | resultados parciais ___ 129 |
22 | 14 | multiplicado por ___ 52 | multiplicado por ___ 53 |
22 | 33 | maior ou igual a ___ 53 | maior ou igual a ___ 54 |
22 | 33 | búlgaro para ___110 | búlgaro para ___109 |
22 | 35 | menor ou igual a ___ 53 | menor ou igual a ___ 52 |
23 | 3 | gaélico | gaélico escocês |
23 | 4 | gaélico para ___ 87 | gaélico escocês para ___ 88 |
23 | 14 | Compiègne ___ 92 | Compiègne ___ 93 |
23 | 30 | et alii ___ 45 | et alii ___ 119 |
23 | 32 | Livro de Josias | Livro de Josué |
23 | 35 | Junho ___ 172 | Junho ___ 173 |
24 | 3 | recto ___ 152 | recto ___ 151 |
24 | 11 | maço ___ 148 | maço ___ 34 |
24 | 11 | Santo ___ 40 | Santo ___ 41 |
24 | 14 | Março ___ 87 | Março ___ 88 |
24 | 20 | manuscritos(s) ___ 152 | manuscritos(s) ___ 151 |
24 | 21 | Mateus ___ 152 | Mateus ___ 153 |
30 | 16 | para estabelecer | para constituir |
36 | 8 | O Marquês | ____ O Marquês |
42 | 8 | bispo de Lisboa | Bispo de Lisboa |
46 | 23 | adverso | avesso |
46 | n5 | , phonétique | phonétique |
46 | n5 | , constitué | constitué |
46 | n5 | . Cette | Cette |
48 | 14 | complexo, só | complexo. Só |
50 | 15 | transposições | transformações, transposições |
50 | 18 | Quando houver substituição de | Ao transformarem-se os |
51 | 2 | inicial do designante | inicial |
51 | n21 | secção | sub-sub-secção |
54 | 26 | sugeriam | sugeria |
55 | 39 | reino | Reino |
56 | 36 | Alem disso | Além disso |
57 | 9 | aprendíamos | apreendíamos |
59 | 26 | Alargamos | Alargámos |
61 | 4 | como besantes | em besantes |
61 | 31 | este modelo idealizado | esta forma idealizada |
61 | 32 | uma idealização | outra idealização |
64 | 16 | secção | sub-secção |
65 | 17 | pela cor prateada | pelo esmalte prateado |
66 | 7 | após o alisamento | após o nivelamento |
71 | 24 | "1 " | "1" |
79 | 28 | acentuado | marcado |
81 | 39 | gaélico | gaélico escocês |
87 | 11 | leva a crer que seria | aponta para |
87 | 14 | excepção | excepção dos antropónimos e |
88 | 13 | e Condado | com o Condado |
91 | 13 | gaélico | galês |
93 | 4 | das Ilhas Órcades à p. 100. | de Hesse à p. 103. |
94 | n31 | pp. 122 e ss. | pp. 121 e ss. |
98 | 2 | é Ziegenhein | seria Ziegenhahn |
100 | 2 | Capital | capital |
100 | 11 | Três naus sobre um | Uma nau sobre o |
100 | 13 | Para as armas | Armas |
101 | 8 | a actual | o actual |
102 | 15 | Thames | Thames (ing. Tamisa) |
103 | 1 | deve | deveria |
103 | 2 | daí que predomine | predomina contudo |
103 | 2 | cinco palos | quatre pals |
106 | 9 | pelo rio | por sua capital |
108 | 21 | gae. | gls. |
108 | 24 | à p. 87 | à p. 88 |
109 | n55 | ]À la | ] À la |
110 | n58 | ]Il est | ] Il est |
112 | 33 | extensional | extensivo |
113 | 22 | Gueldern | Gelderen |
113 | 23 | besantes dourados | arruelas vermelhas |
113 | 23 | os besantes | as arruelas |
119 | 3 | a montante | anteriormente |
124 | 11 | apesar de não os termos | embora não os tenhamos |
125 | 30 | clabriae | calabriae |
126 | 20 | clabriae | calabriae |
127 | 24 | imbrica | imbrico |
128 | 1 | imbrica | imbrico |
129 | 25 | em Óis da | perto de Óis da |
130 | 10 | sobra as | sobre as |
131 | 3 | subsecção | sub-secção |
131 | 15 | millium | milium |
131 | 19 | monas: ; | monas: |
132 | 43 | fazer sair | sais |
135 | 5 | abertura, tolerar | abertura; patior: tolerar |
136 | 37 | a direcção da | as duas direcções da |
137 | 23 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
137 | 34 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
141 | 2 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
141 | 21 | Proectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
141 | 22 | rectos em rtos | rectus em rtus |
141 | 22 | Prorctoscallis | Prorctuscallis |
141 | 23 | Pror(ec)toscallis | Pror(ec)tuscallis |
141 | 32 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
141 | 32 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
141 | 36 | Prorectoscallis | Prorectuscallis |
142 | 4 | Pror(ec)toscallis | Pror(ec)tuscallis |
142 | 22 | Pror(ec)toscallis | Pror(ec)tuscallis |
142 | 22 | r(ec)tos | r(ec)tus |
149 | 23 | nas armas antigas | no símbolo antigo |
153 | 4 | ser é feita | ser feita |
153 | 32 | sólidos no | sólidos, no |
154 | 6 | quinal | quintal |
154 | 12 | da sua nacionalidade | das suas origens |
154 | n34 | subsecção | sub-secção |
155 | 5 | dos nossos primeiros | dos primeiros |
157 | n46 | 13 de de Maio | 13 de Maio |
160 | 9 | um seu antecessor | um antecessor |
170 | 7 | HEIMER, Z. | VELDE, F. |
176 | 37 | Geografia Ale Ale | Geografia Hol Hol |
181 | 43 | Ferrete | Ferrette |
184 | 22 | Geografia Ano Ano P | Geografia Ano Ano S |
184 | 40 | Katzenelbogen | Katzenelnbogen |
189 | 6 | Prussia | Prússia |
197 | 9 | HEIMER | JERGALIC |
201 | 4 | Katzenelbogen | Katzenelnbogen |
209 | 2 | Balliol , 87 | Balliol, 88 |
210 | 23 | Disposição | Disposições |
Numerous developments occurred since the presentation of the thesis, more than two years ago. I mention firstly those strictly linked to its contents. Some of these developments correct inaccuracies, as the transmission of the Scottish tressure and the verbalizations for the single-headed eagle of the Holy-Empire or even the Castilian fortress. Others complete what was already proposed but then only partially interpreted: broken designants - Cenomanum ~ Senum... - or heteronymic polysemies as in Reuss ~ Kreuz. A great amount of them amplify the interpretations of the corpus to additional heraldic traces included in the same arms, more or less conspicuous: the rest of the Hungarian partition, the tinctures for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Danish blue lions. The new circumstances lead to the reduction of the respective discretion indexes, stressing, furthermore, new semantic interactions within the coexisting traces. In the table below, the first of these developments were designated as rectifications (R), the second as additions (A) and the third as extensions (E), followed by their proper location (page and line). We list all the results gathered for our first studies, referring by Y (yes) or N (no) its state relatively to the types mentioned previously. These data may be updated as long as new elements are available and the information keeps relevance.
REFERENT | R | A | E | P | L |
County of Anjou | N | Y | Y | 102 | - |
County of Antwerp | N | N | Y | 92 | - |
County of Atholl | N | N | N | 99 | - |
Balliol (Toponymical reference) | N | N | N | 88 | - |
County of Bar | N | Y | Y | 87 | - |
County of Barcelona | N | N | Y | 102 | 28 |
County of Barcelona | Y | N | Y | 102 | 32 |
Duchy of Bavaria | N | N | N | 108 | 14 |
Duchy of Bavaria | N | N | N | 108 | n51 |
Duchy of Bavaria | N | N | N | 108 | 15 |
County of Beaumont | N | N | N | 99 | - |
Kingdom of Bohemia | Y | N | Y | 93 | 10 |
Kingdom of Bohemia | Y | Y | Y | 93 | 13 |
Kingdom of Bosnia | Y | N | Y | 113 | - |
Duchy of Brabant | N | N | Y | 102 | - |
Duchy of Brittany | N | N | N | 105 | - |
Kingdom of Bulgaria | N | N | Y | 109 | - |
Duchy of Burgundy | N | Y | N | 95 | 21 |
Duchy of Burgundy | N | N | N | 95 | 22 |
Duchy of Burgundy | N | N | N | 105 | - |
Duchy of Burgundy | N | N | N | 106 | - |
County of Burgundy I | N | N | Y | 91 | - |
County of Burgundy II | N | N | Y | 106 | - |
County of Calw | N | N | N | 95 | - |
Kingdom of Castile | Y | Y | Y | 109 | - |
Kingdom of Castile | N | Y | Y | 101 | - |
County of Charolais | N | N | N | 107 | - |
County of Clare | N | N | N | 106 | - |
County of Cornwall I | Y | N | Y | 106 | - |
County of Cornwall II | N | N | Y | 99 | - |
Kingdom of Denmark | Y | N | Y | 103 | - |
County of Diez | N | N | N | 113 | - |
Kingdom of England I | N | N | N | 107 | - |
Kingdom of England II | N | N | N | 107 | - |
Kingdom of England III | N | N | Y | 102 | 8 |
Kingdom of England III | N | N | Y | 102 | 15 |
Kingdom of France | N | Y | Y | 141 | - |
Kingdom of France | N | N | Y | 97 | - |
Kingdom of France | N | Y | Y | 101 | - |
Duchy of Guelders I | N | N | Y | 113 | 22 |
Duchy of Guelders II | Y | N | Y | 113 | 24 |
County of Guînes | N | N | N | 95 | - |
County of Hesse | N | N | Y | 103 | - |
Holy Empire I | Y | Y | Y | 95 | - |
Holy Empire II | N | N | Y | 90 | - |
County of Hoya | N | N | N | 111 | - |
Kingdom of Hungary | N | N | Y | 100 | - |
Lordship of Ireland | N | N | N | 93 | - |
Lordship of Ireland | N | N | N | 90 | 5 |
Lordship of Ireland | N | N | N | 90 | 4 |
Kingdom of Jerusalem | Y | N | Y | 93 | - |
Jerusalem (Attributed Arms) | N | N | N | 91 | - |
County of Katzenelnbogen | N | N | N | 110 | - |
County of Kent | N | Y | Y | 90 | - |
County of Kirchberg | N | Y | Y | 98 | - |
Viscounty of Labourd | N | Y | Y | 110 | - |
Latin Empire | N | N | N | 90 | - |
County of Lauffen | N | N | Y | 107 | - |
Kingdom of León | N | Y | Y | 101 | - |
Principality of Liechtenstein | N | N | Y | 105 | - |
Prince-Bishopric of Liège | N | Y | Y | 96 | - |
Grand Duchy of Lithuania | N | Y | Y | 108 | - |
Duchy of Lorraine | N | N | N | 89 | - |
Landgraviate of Lower Alsace | N | N | Y | 101 | - |
Duchy of Lower Austria | N | N | Y | 111 | - |
County of Luxembourg | Y | N | Y | 95 | 26 |
County of Luxembourg | Y | N | Y | 95 | 27 |
Kingdom of Majorca | N | N | N | 106 | - |
Kingdom of Mann | N | N | Y | 96 | - |
County of Marche I | N | N | Y | 113 | - |
County of Marche II | N | N | N | 113 | - |
Margraviate of Monferrato | N | N | N | 105 | - |
Margraviate of Moravia | N | N | Y | 106 | - |
County of Nassau | N | N | Y | 113 | - |
Kingdom of Navarre | Y | N | Y | 100 | 2 |
Kingdom of Navarre | N | N | Y | 100 | 31 |
Kingdom of Norway | N | Y | Y | 113 | - |
Norway (Attributed Arms) | N | N | N | 110 | - |
County of Orkney | N | N | N | 100 | - |
Kingdom of Poland | N | N | N | 89 | 15 |
Kingdom of Poland | N | N | N | 89 | 18 |
Portugal (Attributed Arms I) | Y | Y | Y | 96 | - |
Portugal (Attributed Arms II) | N | N | Y | 100 | - |
Quincy (Toponymical reference) | N | N | N | 106 | - |
County of Rantzau | N | Y | Y | 105 | - |
County of Rennes | N | N | Y | 98 | - |
Viscounty of Rochechouart | N | N | Y | 110 | - |
Salerno (Attributed Arms) | Y | Y | Y | 100 | - |
Republic of San Marino | N | Y | N | 94 | - |
County of Savoy I | N | N | N | 111 | - |
County of Savoy II | N | N | N | 99 | - |
Duchy of Saxony | N | N | Y | 101 | - |
County of Schauenburg | N | N | Y | 89 | - |
Canton of Schwytz | Y | N | Y | 89 | - |
Kingdom of Scotland | Y | N | Y | 108 | 24 |
Kingdom of Scotland | Y | N | Y | 108 | 21 |
County of Solms | N | Y | Y | 113 | - |
County of Spiegelberg | N | N | N | 108 | - |
Kingdom of Sweden | Y | N | Y | 96 | - |
Landgraviate of Thuringia | N | Y | Y | 98 | 24 |
Landgraviate of Thuringia | N | Y | Y | 98 | 28 |
County of Tonnerre | N | N | N | 112 | - |
Duchy of Trakai | N | N | Y | 112 | - |
County of Vermandois | N | N | Y | 92 | - |
Kingdom of Wales | N | Y | Y | 89 | 37 |
Kingdom of Wales | Y | N | Y | 89 | 38 |
Principality of Wallachia | N | N | Y | 109 | 22 |
Principality of Wallachia | Y | N | Y | 109 | 23 |
County of Werdenberg | N | N | Y | 101 | - |
County of Winchester | N | N | N | 106 | - |
County of Ziegenhain | N | N | N | 98 | - |
I refer secondly the work made outside the dissertation's ambiance, then briefly approached within the corpus, building the sampling universe of 711 heraldic traces. Since then, more than 1500 new armorial traces have been analysed by applying the parophonic methodology. Some of these blazons appear in the map that follows, although somewhat displaced to the present nationalities. They emphasize a remarkable geographical dispersion, seeming to indicate a comprehensive phenomenon and possibly its establishment with the beginning of heraldry.