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In accordance with our methodological approach, we report the development of a new semantic proposition for the canting level in the arms of Guernsey: “gules, three leopards or, armed an langued azure”.
Semantic level: canting.
Denominant's verbalization: English.
Designant's verbalization: English.
Canting plot: ethological.
Canting syntax: article + noun + verb + noun.
Canting trace: shield » aspect & coloration » langued azure.
Number of graphemes: 8 ~ 15.
Primary onset: 0.
Cypher: 863.
Credibility: excellent.
Difficulty: difficult.
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In accordance with our methodological approach, we report the development of a new semantic proposition for the crest in the arms of Wyatt of Sherwell and Bexley (England): “an ostrich proper, holding in the beak a horseshoe argent”.
Semantic levels: one or more.
Discretion index: medium.
Denominant's verbalization: English.
Designant's verbalization: English.
Heraldic plot: unknown or none.
Canting impression: "to eat".
Virtual trace: crest » attitude » holding in the beak.
Denominant's origin: autochthonous.
Credibility: good.
Number of graphemes: 6 ~ 5.
Cypher: 183.
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In accordance with our methodological approach, we report the development of a new semantic proposition for the crest in the arms of Watson of Cumberland and London (England): “on a mount vert, a palm tree or”.
Semantic levels: one or more.
Discretion index: medium.
Denominant's verbalization: English.
Designant's verbalization: English.
Heraldic plot: disassociated from the shield.
Canting impression: "to wait".
Virtual trace: shield » figurations » crosses.
Denominant's origin: autochthonous.
Credibility: good.
Number of graphemes: 7 ~ 7.
Cypher: 86.
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In accordance with our methodological approach, we report the development of a new semantic proposition for the crest in the arms of Watson of Henrietta Street (England): “a griffin's head erased azure, ducally crowned or, between two palm branches proper”.
Semantic levels: one or more.
Discretion index: medium.
Denominant's verbalization: English.
Designant's verbalization: English.
Heraldic plot: associated with the shield.
Canting impression: "to wait".
Virtual trace: shield » figurations » martlets.
Denominant's origin: autochthonous.
Credibility: excellent.
Number of graphemes: 7 ~ 8.
Cypher: 64.
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In accordance with our methodological approach, we report the development of a new semantic proposition for the crest in the arms of Watson of Fulmer (England): “a griffin's head erased argent, ducally gorged or”.
Semantic levels: one or more.
Discretion index: medium.
Denominant's verbalization: English.
Designant's verbalization: English.
Heraldic plot: disassociated from the shield.
Canting impression: "hat".
Virtual trace: crest » figuration » crown.
Denominant's origin: autochthonous.
Credibility: good.
Number of graphemes: 6 ~ 11.
Cypher: 663.
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