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The adjoining table specifies the acronyms, symbols and abbreviations used in the thesis, as well as several others that may be useful for the next developments. Please note that not all the signs correspond exactly to those we used previously. While striving to keep maximum consistency, we improved what seemed less clear including complementary symbology, some already used in texts related to these themes. We've tried our best to make it correspond to a regular Portuguese keyboard. Similarly to other tables, we will add new entries whenever needed.
- | no data / redundant data |
- | heraldic disposition (2-1-2) |
- | subtracted from |
_ | no character |
_ | morpheme |
\ | meteorological specification |
/ | of (1/3) |
/ | or |
/ | end of a manuscript line |
// | end of a manuscript page |
# | quantitative specification |
% | per cent |
n(omi)ne | abbreviation of manuscript letters |
[M] | manuscript initial |
[… …] | interruption |
[s.l.] | sine loco |
[s.n.] | sine nomine |
~ | is parophone to |
^ | architectural specification |
* | specification of notoriety |
+ | concatenated with |
+ | added to |
< | less than |
< > | electronic address delimiters |
≤ | less or equal than |
= | arms of transmission |
= | equal to |
> | phonetic evolution |
> | greater than |
>< | different |
≥ | greater or equal than |
× | versus / compared to |
× | multiplied by |
÷ | divided by |
↑ | up |
→ | see partial results |
→ | right |
⇒ | implies |
↓ | down |
↓ | sequence of events |
⇓ | since (period) |
← | see partial results |
← | left |
§ | specification of signage |
… | etc. |
Σ | summation |
1D | unidimensional |
2D | two-dimensional |
3D | three-dimensional |
A | accommodation |
A | alteration |
Aª | anomaly |
a.C. | before Christ |
A.D.B. | Arquivo Distrital de Braga |
Abr. | April |
abrª | abbreviation |
Add | Liber Additamentorum |
adj. | adjective |
Ago. | August |
alb. | Albanese |
ALE | Germany |
ale. | German |
ano. | Anglo-Norman |
ANT | anthroponymic metonymization |
ara. | Aragonese |
arv. | tree |
ast. | Asturian |
ATI | heraldic trace of attitude |
B | botanical specification |
Bal | Balliol Roll |
bas. | Basque |
BEL | Belgium |
bie. | Belarussian |
Big | Rôle d'Arms Bigot |
bos. | Bosnian |
bre. | Breton |
bul. | Bulgarian |
bxa. | Lower-German |
c | coeficient of character |
C | specification of coloration |
C | complement |
Cae | Caerlaverock's Roll |
Cam | Rôle de Tournoi de Cambrai |
CAP | capital metonymization |
cap. | chapter |
cas. | Castilian |
cat. | Catalan |
caz. | Kazakh |
Cdn | Camden Roll |
Cha | Charles' Roll |
Ce | City / Municipality |
che. | Czech |
Cho | Rôle de Tournoi de Chauvency |
Cº | County |
cód. | codex |
Col | Collins' Roll |
Com | Rôle de Tournoi de Compiègne |
CR | Carolingian script |
cro. | Croatian |
d | designant |
D | denominant |
D | word composition |
D. | Dom / Dona |
Der | Dering Roll |
Dez. | December |
din. | Danish |
DIS | heraldic trace of disposition |
Dº | Duchy |
doc. | document |
docs. | documents |
E | specification |
e.g. | exempli gratia |
ed. | edition / editor |
ESAD | Escola Superior de Artes e Design |
ESM | heraldic trace of tincture |
est. | picture |
et al. | et alii |
etc. | et coetera |
ETN | ethnonymic metonymization |
Fev. | February |
f. | folium |
Fª | attributed arms |
Fal | Falkirk's Roll |
fasc. | fascicle |
FEUP | Faculdade de Engenharia da UP |
FIG | heraldic trace of figuration |
fig. | figura |
fin. | Finnish |
fls. | folia |
FLUP | Faculdade de Letras da UP |
FRA | France |
fra. | French |
G | geometrical specification |
gae. | Scottish Gaelic |
Gal | Galloway Roll |
gav. | drawer |
Gel | Codex Gelre |
GEO | geographical metonymization |
Geo | St. George's Roll |
glg. | Galician |
Glo | Glover's Roll |
gls. | Welsh |
Gº | Grand Duchy |
gre. | Greek |
GT | Gothic script |
H | heraldic trace |
H | human specification |
Her | Herald's Roll |
HID | hydronymic metonymization |
hol. | Dutch |
hun. | Hungarian |
I | interaction |
ing. | English |
Iº | Empire |
IPA | International Phonetic Alphabet |
irl. | Irish Gaelic |
isl. | Icelandic |
ita. | Italian |
j | nº of parophonic transformations |
Jan. | January |
Js | Book of Joshua |
Jul. | July |
Jun. | June |
Jº | jurisdiction |
Jz | Book of Judges |
Kº | Canton |
k | discretion index |
Lª | line |
lat. | Latin |
LD | Denominant's language |
Ld | Designant's language |
Leb | Armorial Le Breton |
leo. | Leonese |
let. | Latvian |
lig. | Ligurian |
lit. | literally |
liv. | book |
ltn. | Lithuanian |
Lº | Landgraviate |
LOC | heraldic trace of placement |
lux. | Luxembourgish |
M | referent's metonymization |
M | material specification |
m. | bundle |
Mai. | May |
Man | Codex Manesse |
Mar | Lord Marshall's Roll |
Mar. | March |
max(a,b) | maximum value of (a, b) |
MD | diplomatic minuscule script |
mns. | Manese |
Mº | Monastery |
Mº | Margraviate |
ms. | manuscript / manuscripts |
Mt | Gospel of Matthew |
n | quantity / number |
N / n | no |
nD | nº of denominant's characters |
nd | nº of designant's characters |
n1 | footnote 1 |
nº | number |
nor. | Norwegian |
Nov. | November |
nrm. | Norman |
NUM | heraldic trace of number |
º | astronomical specification |
Ø | none / empty set |
oci. | Occitan |
Ofl | Rôle d'Armes de l'Ost de Flandre |
Om | Military Order |
ORI | heraldic trace of orientation |
Out. | October |
p | coefficient of positioning |
p. / Pª | page |
PAD | heraldic trace of pattern |
p1 | type of simple plane symmetry |
Plo | Rôle d'Armes de l'Ost de Ploërmel |
Pº | Principality |
pol. | Polish |
pp. | pages |
R | referent |
r. | recto |
Rª | Republic |
RC | classical rodado |
RES | residential metonymization |
REU | United Kingdom |
RF | fanciful rodado |
rmc. | Romansh |
Rº | Kingdom |
rom. | Romanian |
Rt | Toponymical reference |
rus. | Russian |
S | specification of substantive |
S | sematization |
S / s | yes |
S. | Saint |
SC | wax seal |
séc. | century |
SEP | heraldic trace of separation |
ser. | Serbian |
Set. | September |
Sº | Lordship |
Sl | Book of Psalms |
SN | sign without a rodado |
sor. | Sorbian |
SP | lead seal |
ss. | following |
Sti | Stirling Roll |
sue. | Swedish |
t | coefficient of transposition |
T | toponymical specification |
T | transmigration |
T.T. | Torre do Tombo |
TER | territorial metonymization |
ucr. | Ucranian |
UP | Universidade do Porto |
V | verbal specification / action |
V | verbalization |
v. | verso |
var. | variety |
Ver | Armorial du Heraut Vermandois |
Vº | Viscounty |
vol. | volume |
VS | visigothic script |
VT | carolingian-visigothic script |
Wal | Walford's Roll |
Wij | Wijnbergen Wappenrolle |
Z | zoological specification |
Zur | Zürcher Wappenrolle |